
Tuesday is Choose Day!

tuesday is chooseday

    Would you rather:
  1. lose the tips of your fingers in a car accident OR your nose? Definitely the nose...assuming one of the doctors on Dr. 90210 can hook me up with a new and improved version.

  2. have to bring a tank of oxygen with you everywhere you go OR only be able to go out when the sun is down? The night time is the right time!

  3. eat a bowl full of raw oysters OR a small plate of haggis? I LOVE oysters. Much better than stomach and heart of lamb. bleech!

  4. wake up and find your two front teeth have doubled in size OR your fingers have doubled in length? I'll pass on the freakishly long fingers. Big teeth can be corrected. Or at the very least, I can get a job playing Bugs Bunny at an amusement park.


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