
Weekend Ramblings

Yesterday I sang in a student recital that my voice coach hosted for all of her students. I am always amazed at how many people from all walks of life want to sing. After seeing the variety of students (some were good, others struggled) I have decided to try not to take myself so seriously when I go on future auditions. I know I have a good voice. My musical skills are solid for the most part, and I know what areas need the most work. Usually I get so worked up for auditions, recitals, etc… but yesterday I decided I would just go out there and have fun. And it turned out great. I didn’t forget the words. I was on pitch. And I think the audience was pleased.

On Saturday I was downtown for a rehearsal for this thing I’m singing in next week. I was in the turning lane and this guy tried to cut me off. I blew my horn and barley avoided hitting him. Can you believe this lemonhead had the nerve to roll down his window to cuss me out? He said “you saw my signal!” I replied “I had the right of way…you need to LOOK before you change lanes!” Since he had no comeback and he was looking stupid in front of his buddies in the car he proceeded to start swearing at me. People can be so ridiculous. Now I’m not much of a cusser (anymore). I make a conscious effort to find other words to express myself. This man clearly had a limited vocabulary. Luckily, God has given me a gift…that is the ability to hold my tongue.


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