
I would be in jail...

My goodness. If my husband all of a sudden told me he is gay, maaaaaan. All I can say is he’d better tell me in a public place, away from any sharp objects that could be used as a weapon. Terry McMillan and her gay ex had such a weird dynamic on Oprah today. First, she was angry. Then when they brought Jonathan out there, her entire demeanor changed. Clearly, she still “loves” him. And the end of her fantasy with him has devastated her. To add insult to injury, he tried to get her money. I think that is at the root of her anger. Personally, I think he knew he was gay long before he came to this country. He thought he would eventually get his hands on some of her money. Half, to be exact. I love that Oprah asked him if he really thought he was entitled to any of her money. He could not answer. He knew what he was doing all along. And now he’ll need to get a JOB!

Sidenote: Is it me or do Jonathan and Al (Star’s hubby) look like they are related? Just a little?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Related in being gay, yeah.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Horatio said...

What was Terry thinking? My gaydar is off the charts on this guy!!

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I had never seen Terry's husband....OMG! DUDE SCREAMS GAY!

Ummm and YES! they do look related but I have a feeling Ms. Jones is well AWARE of her husbands gayness just refuses to deal right now.

Happy turkey day!

6:37 PM  
Blogger -_- said...

I agree with Shasta...

Star should have known...there are brothers out there that liked her just fine...she coulda married a straight one!!

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Star's husband is so gay. And she must know that. I mean look at him. Girl if my husband told me he was gay I'd just have to cut him.

10:35 AM  

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