
A new direction

I think I need to change the focus of this blog. Yesterday I went to a mandatory compliance meeting. Most of the presentation consisted of legal blather warning us that is we get caught doing any insider trading, we will go to jail. And as commoners we won’t get the Martha Stewart treatment. ZZZzzzz. This thing that woke me up is when he mentioned that they do random surveillance of our e-mail. I kind of knew that already. They also perform random surveillance of our internet usage. Ugh. So while I will continue to make observations about corporate America, I am leery about posting from work. I don’t want to get dooced.

There is an interesting article in this month’s Essence. It’s about sisters hating on each other in the workplace. I must say, there is a fair amount of hate in my workplace and a lot of it is directed at me. Unfortunately, I work for a company that only seems to hire black women as secretaries and black men for the mailroom. I am one of the lucky few blacks with a six-figure salary (almost) and a window office. There was a time (before I became a group head) when I went out of my way to be friendly to the other black women in this office. I mean, I don’t care about titles, I was just looking to relate to someone who looks like me. However, it became painfully evident to me that many of these women were simply smiling in my face and ripping me to shreds behind my back. So I’ve had to distance myself from some people just for my own sanity. Later, after I was promoted, I tried to take a couple of my black staffers under my wing…you know give them pointers on how to get promoted, encourage hem to go back to school (especially since the company would pay for it) etc…but do you think these heffa’s would appreciate that? NOT! Oh well, their loss.


An Open Letter to Oprah

Dear Oprah,
First let me say that I am a huge fan. I love your show and I’m so proud of the advancements you have made in television and the media. In so many ways, your contributions make the world a better place.

However, I really wish that you would think about putting someone else on the cover of your magazine. Don’t get me wrong, you look incredible. Your creative genius is obvious. Use some of those creative juices to come up with some new covers. Give us some regular people who have done extraordinary things. Give us pictures of the beautiful African children you have helped over the years.

I don’t think this would hurt your ability to promote your brand or the things you love. Now that your magazine is established, your picture on every single cover is VAIN.


Back in the Saddle

Today I’m back at work. Woe is me. It was so lovely being at home doing nothing. (Doctor's orders!) Sleeping. Watching Oprah. Having meals delivered to my house. Ahhhh. I think he worst part about coming back is that I really don’t think I was missed. Only one person on my staff of eight actually stopped by my office to say anything to me. Had to go around and solicit info about what went on while I was away. None of those jive turkeys even bothered to ask how I am doing or how I enjoyed my time off. I always make a point of acknowledging people when they have been out for a while. My friend K summed it up for me. She said, “Don’t take it personally, but it SUCKS when to boss comes back to work.”

Me and the hubby are still riding the baby train. It’s really more like a rollercoaster. However, I am surprisingly much calmer about the whole IVF thing this time around. I truly believe it will work this time.

Totally changing the subject, bloggers beware!

The WeatherPixie
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