
Be Careful

My husband has a friend who does not believe in bank accounts. He keeps all of his money in cash in a safe. Every month when it is time to pay bills, he will take the necessary cash to the currency exchange and get money orders to pay his bills. He just does not trust the bank. While I have no intention of keeping our money in the house, I no longer trust the bank either. Some lowlife (probably a former client)forged 3 checks and helped themselves to a large chunk of my hubby's business account. Luckily, BB is quite anal about the money and he caught the fraudulent transactions on the same day that they took place. The bank has restored the funds and hopefully they will catch the culprit(s).

Even though the money was returned to the account in less than a week, we will be moving our money. It turns out that the transactions were completed at three different branches and apparently not one of them required an ID. The bank used to call us when BB's associate would present her check to be cashed, just to make sure that he did in fact write the check. Her checks were usually around $1,000. So it baffles me that someone could present a check for more than $4,000 and no one called the house to verify anything. Smells like an inside job to me.


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