I'm over here...
I am struggling to journal about my baby because much of my time is spent at the hospital. But I will try to keep you all up to date on her progress.
I know...I'm a terrible blogger. But with good reason. My baby surprised us all by making her appearance more than three months early...I was 23 weeks plus 2 day pregnant. I gave birth to a baby girl on November 19. She weighs 1lb 2 ounces and she is 11 inches long. She is very small, but she is a fighter. I probably won't be writing much here anymore, but I may start a new blog focusing on life as a mom of a preemie...
Warning: This is a whiney, complaint-ridden post. I know it is written in the IF rulebook that once you get pregnant, you are supposed to ride a happy cloud all the way to the delivery room, but I am working to change that rule!
...and all is well on the baby front. The bb measured in at eight weeks during today's U/S and the heartrate is at 146. I did an IvIg/intralipid infusion on Friday, so hopefully that will keep these NK cells in check. These next few weeks are critical as this was about the time things went south before.
I have just been too durn lazy to update my blog. Work has been fairly busy and after work all I want to do is sleep. All is well with my pregnancy so far. I am six weeks today. My main symptoms are extreme fatigue, extreme hunger and extremely oily skin. I am starting to experience a bit of nausea, but generally it only happens when I'm not eating enough.
I know it's been waay too long. And I could give you a whole litany of excuses on why I haven't been blogging. But the truth is, I just got tired of writing about infertility. And work has been kicking my bee-hind. And it's summer and I'd rather spend my free time frolicking in the sun. I know, blah, blah, BLAHHHHH!
So I have been promising to update soon...and I will...as soon as I get back from Mexico! The hubs and I are taking a much-needed vacation down to the baja peninsula. Hopefully, when I return my computer will be repaired and I will be rested and inspired to write something besides another bitch-fest about my fertility issues.